Around here, you can imagine, we know which type of dog has the best personality traits of all the dogs that have ever existed. ((bit of a wink there)) Of course, we also understand that you might not be looking for perfection ((again… we tease)). But seriously, for every person who wants or needs a dog, there’s a perfect match out there. So we thought we’d summarize some of the common personality traits of popular breeds.

Starting with our favorite, labrador retrievers. (And you can check out our Sundance Retrievers planned litters for 2024-25.)

If you’ve never had a labrador retriever, you might wonder what they’re like.

Labrador retrievers are known for being really friendly. They make a great family dog. They’re also really outgoing, intelligent, and loyal. They need a good deal of mental stimulation and physical activity, and of course, they’re wonderful hunting dogs for all of the reasons mentioned.

Let’s look at some of the dogs that you probably see a lot of in parks and neighborhoods.


Who doesn’t know someone with this dog? They are extra popular right now. And of course they are; they’re part labrador retriever! They tend to be quite affectionate, sweet, and intelligent. They’re great with kids but also with other animals. So if you have a cat in the family, this could be a good match.

French Bulldog

Another one that seems to be everywhere, the main thing that stands out about French Bulldogs is their sense of humor. Yep, you read that right. These dogs are funny. They like to clown around and goof off. They’re generally just a happy go lucky sort of dog.


The hot dog dog! Dachshunds are smart and were originally used for hunting, so they’re always looking for something to chase. They might be small but they’re brave. They can also be really cuddly and being small doesn’t hurt for lap time.

Welsh Corgi

Made even more popular thanks to the Queen of England, these dogs are also funny and silly. They will surprise you with how athletic they are, considering their short legs and generally stout form.


Considered one of the happiest, sweetest dogs, again, beagles are quite silly. They are full of energy and equally as laid back. They make great therapy dogs actually.

Italian Greyhound

Sure they’re fast and they love to run and chase things, but they’d love to cuddle with you all day just as much as they love activity. And they’re super smart… like eerily smart.

Shih Tzus

If you’re looking for a smaller cuddle buddy who also gets along with kids and other animals, a shih tzu might be just right for you. They’re affectionate, loyal, and easy to train. 


And speaking of small, this dog would work perfectly if you’re looking to carry them around in a purse like this iconic character. (Different breeds but the idea holds.) Besides being portable and cuddly, Pomeranians are super smart and like to talk to get their needs and points across.

Of course, with any breed there are always differences. And a lot of a dog’s personality has to do with their upbringing and their training.

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