We’ve spent some time covering some common dog behaviors, but let’s take a closer look at the basics of dog body language.

Most of us think we know what a tail wag means, but it’s not necessarily always about happiness. It can also mean agitation. It depends on some other factors.

So reading dog body language can be just as complicated as reading the body language of humans. You have to, basically, be aware of the context and put together pieces of a larger puzzle to get a really accurate reading.

One part of a dog’s body will never be the total message. Take a look at your dog from tip of nose to tip of tail to get a clear picture of what they’re expressing. Especially, like with humans, pay attention to their eyes.

Let’s look at some common emotions and messages.

Basics of dog body language: stressed or scared

  • These dogs might avert eye contact, even turning their heads away.
  • They might avoid the situation by becoming really interested in sniffing the ground or scratching themselves.
  • They could shake, tremble, cower, or pace.
  • Yawning is not uncommon here.
  • They may flatten their ears to their head and tuck their tails.
  • Some dogs even get really hyper when they’re stressed and so zoomies are also not always about happiness.

Happy dogs

Since we’re covering other, less positive emotions and expressions, let’s get this one as clear as we can.

  • A happy day is a relaxed dog. Their bodies look soft. Their ears are relaxed.
  • Tail wagging with a lowered front end and their butts in the air is a very good thing.
  • Bouncing! There can be bouncing!
  • They will be looking at the world around them but not hyperfixating on any one thing.
  • They will lean into your body when being petted.

Defensive and offensive

A dog feeling threatened might show either of these expressions. But both of them are meant to ward off some perceived danger or threat. So be aware.

  • Their body will be leaning forward. They are in a ready position.
  • There might be a closed mouth and ears forward with growling.
  • They might or might not show their teeth.
  • High tail. With a short snappy wag.
  • The hair might actually stand up on their backs and neck.
  • Air snapping – biting the air around them to warn someone or something.
  • Their eyes will look hard and they will stare with intensity. They mean business,

And let’s take a moment to clarify one particular body part.

Basics of dog body language: their tail

A high tail can mean they are feeling confident or aroused. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are stressed so again, look at other things. But they are not relaxed when you see this tail.

A low tail or a tail all the way between their legs is, again, indicative of not relaxed. But in this case, they are feeling a lack of confidence or safety.

A high tail that is being wagged but very slowly means they are checking something out that doesn’t necessarily seem right to them.

If the tail is extended and curved, they are ready to take some sort of action.

And finally, the helicopter tail. This totally means happiness.

Is there any behavior your dog exhibits that has been extra confusing to you?

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