It can seem impossible to keep our spaces clean and organized with just humans involved. But a clean house with dogs? That can feel like miracle territory.

There’s the hair, just to start. Then there can be, well, smells. Add in accidents and the occasional and unavoidable sick episode and things start to get a little on the ick side. And, of course, dogs spend a lot of time outdoors and bring in things on their feet and once in a while something in their mouth that you didn’t notice.

It’s a lot. It’s a lot just to keep your dog clean, much less all the spaces they use. (And here are some tips to groom your dog at home and save some money.)

Keeping your dog clean is the first tip. Simple things like cleaning and putting dog-appropriate moisturizer on their feet after you’re outside; using a washcloth on their face; brushing their teeth; cleaning their ears; and keeping their coats brushed. This all goes a long way in the quest for a clean house with dogs.

And as always, we’re here to help with more ideas.

Watch the feeding station

This one is obvious. Dogs can be very vigorous and excited eaters (though, can’t we all?). This can lead to a lot of mess right around their bowls. Have what you need to clean this area right near this area to make keeping it clean super convenient. Also, wash those bowls more often than you think you need to. Really…do you eat off of dirty plates? (Don’t answer that… we don’t want to know. HA)

Use as much washable decor as possible

It used to be that rugs were impossible to clean other than renting big bulky equipment or having someone come in a couple times a year to do them all. Now you can buy washable rugs. And the same for the main furniture that your dog spends time on (depending on the rules in your house). Can you get covers for your couch and chairs? Make sure the covers on pillows can be removed.

Use throw blankets everywhere

This might seem like it creates more work, but if you throw blankets on all the beds and chairs where the dog might lie down, you’ll have a much easier time cleaning than having to constantly strip everything.

Tend to their bedding

The same rules apply: wash this more often than you think you should. Get dog beds with removable covers. Wash the floor under and around their sleeping area. And make sure you’re using nontoxic cleaners that are safe for pets, like these.

Consider a robot vacuum

If you haven’t already, adding this to your cleaning equipment can make the days between big cleans feel much neater. With less work for you, of course.

Use an air purifier

This is really leveling up. Besides cleaning the air of pet dander and hair (less of it for your clothes and sinuses to attract), it will also keep the house smelling really fresh.

Try these miscellaneous ideas

  • Keep old towels by whatever doors you enter the house with your dog. Be ready for a mess.
  • Have an abundance of lint rollers all over the house. They even make larger ones for furniture cushions.
  • Organize toys into baskets in different areas of the house.
  • Have small bottles of nontoxic stain and scent remover ready in all parts of the house.
  • Have door mats at every entry point outside your home. And even have small mats inside the doors. There are mats designed specifically to “catch” debris off of dogs’ feet.
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