by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | new puppy, Safe and Happy Dogs, Training Tips
If you’re on TikTok or have seen TikTok because of a child or niece or nephew, you might have noticed that this time of year is all about the puppy gifts. These videos are often so sweet and you can tell the recipient is ready for the puppy. Sometimes it seems a...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | Safe and Happy Dogs
The holiday season often means traveling and who wants to leave such an important part of their family at home? If you already know that your dog is okay with traveling (and not all dogs are), we’re here to help with some of the details. These tips for traveling...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | Safe and Happy Dogs
“Chew Worthy: The Top Four Dog Bones or Chews for Your Pooch’s Pleasure and Dental Health” As pet parents, we all know that finding the perfect chew toy for our furry friends can be a daunting task. To beloved canines of all shapes and sizes, the...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | dog behaviors, Training Tips
A lot of problems arise in households with dogs for a very simple reason: Too many humans view their dog’s behaviors through a human lens. Dogs have their own way of doing things, their own ways of communicating, and their own reasons for what they do and say....
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | Safe and Happy Dogs
Everyone seems pretty aware that July 4th is not exactly a dog-favorite. But have you thought about the time from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Year’s? There’s so much going on! There are a lot of possible challenges and stresses for you and your...