by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | dog behaviors, labrador retrievers
At Sundance Retrievers we are so proud of our Labrador Retrievers. You’ve likely met a few labs over your life and know them as the friendly, short haired dogs who love the water. We thought we’d share a bit about Labrador Retrievers since we’re...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | Training Tips
One of the joys of having a dog is that they can be your companion out in the world, no matter what you’re up to. This means they need to learn how to be out in the world around other humans and other animals. Out of all the ways to socialize your dog, you could...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | dog behaviors, Safe and Happy Dogs, Training Tips
It happens, just like it does with humans, and veterinarians aren’t really sure why or how. But very likely dogs with separation anxiety develop it in response to some trauma or a change in the household. And like with humans, it can strike any dog, though there...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | Training Tips
Sundance’s approach to training has been developed over decades of experience and study. We have a combined experience of over 30 years of training countless dogs. We have worked with field dogs and show lines from North America, Ireland, and Great Britain;...
by sundanceretrievers | Apr 22, 2024 | dog care
If you don’t have hundreds of dog photos on your phone, do you really have a dog? ((ha)) Taking great dog photos might seem easy but how many of those are disposable? (And how many of us leave them on our phones anyway!?) This post isn’t about cleaning up...