Maybe you’ve asked yourself this question already: should you get a dog camera for your house? And maybe you brushed that question off, deciding you were being silly. Your dog is fine when you’re not there. You get home and they’re happy to see you. What more do you need to know or see when you’re at work or away for the day or away for, even, a week. You have a pet sitter after all, for that very reason.

But there are plenty of reasons you should get a dog camera for your house. Some of those reasons are about you and some of them are about your dog.

If you’re interested in getting a camera after you read this (or have already been thinking it’s the right choice), here is a summary of the best ones out there right now.

Why get a dog camera for you?

Your own separation anxiety.

Dogs get it but so do humans. If you’ve ever been away for a few days and not been able to really relax because you’re thinking about your fur friend at home, well, a camera can do wonders for this. Being able to see that your dog is not in distress and that everything at home seems calm and normal can really help you to relax. Being able to check in whenever and however many times a day you want is a real game changer.


On top of your own separation anxiety, perhaps you have anxiety about your house sitting pretty much empty for days. Now you can check on your dog and your doors. You can see that all is well. Phew!

Many of these cameras can be set to have certain types of motion and sound sensors so you can be alerted if a door has been opened when it shouldn’t have been, for one example.

Why get a dog camera for your dog?

Their separation anxiety

Again, anxiety is on the top of this list whether it’s you or your dog. And we’ve written about dogs’ separation anxiety before so go check that out.

But how can a camera help?

These things go two ways. It’s not just that you can see your dog but that you can speak to your dog so they can hear your voice adn be soothed. (Now some dogs might be freaked out by this so test it.) Some of them also have build in treat distribution, and you can control that from your end.

Monitoring their behavior

Maybe you wonder what they’re up to when you’re gone. Maybe you’ve noticed some strange things out of place when you get home and you wonder what’s happening. Or maybe you have more than one dog and you don’t know who is responsible for some destruction of, say, pillows. Now you can catch that little bugger in action!

Monitoring their health

If you’re concerned about their health or if they’re elderly and something is already going on, you can check on them. Plain and simple.

Or again, if you have a multi dog household and don’t know who it is that is vomiting while you’re away, you can solve that mystery and get it taken care of.

If you already have a dog camera in your house, we would love to hear how it’s helped you and what you like or don’t like about it.

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