by sundanceretrievers | Aug 25, 2024 | dog behaviors, dog care, dog health, Training Tips, Uncategorized
A few years ago when so many of us were in lockdown and working from home, a lot of people got dogs for companionship but also to ensure that they would get out of the house every day, multiple times a day, and go for a walk and get some fresh air. At one point it was...
by sundanceretrievers | Jul 27, 2024 | dog behaviors, living with dogs, Uncategorized
Dogs are love, right? So who wouldn’t want more dogs?! That’s just more love! And that’s true, but it can be more complicated than that too. We hope these tips for a multi dog household can help if you’re feeling challenged. First, let’s consider the benefits of...
by sundanceretrievers | Jul 17, 2024 | dog behaviors, labrador retrievers, living with dogs, Uncategorized
Around here, you can imagine, we know which type of dog has the best personality traits of all the dogs that have ever existed. ((bit of a wink there)) Of course, we also understand that you might not be looking for perfection ((again… we tease)). But seriously, for...
by sundanceretrievers | May 8, 2024 | living with dogs, Safe and Happy Dogs, Uncategorized
Being a responsible dog owner is such a huge part of owning a dog. Responsible dog ownership is so much more than just getting a dog. Or getting a puppy and then not being as enthusiastic when they grow up. There are so many ways to be irresponsible dog owners....
by sundanceretrievers | May 2, 2024 | living with dogs, Uncategorized
Taking care of dogs over their lifetimes is a lot of work, as you can see if you just take a quick glance at the front page of Sundance Retrievers’ blogs. There’s so much to consider and so much to watch out for and so much to be prepared for. But we do it...