Taking care of your dog’s paws

Taking care of your dog’s paws

Making sure your dog’s paws remain in a healthy state is crucial to their overall health. For a long and happy life, your dog needs to be active and active means walking and running and jumping on a daily basis. Your dog can only do so much for their own paws so that...
Dog obesity

Dog obesity

It can happen so slowly over time that you don’t notice. (Same with humans, right!?) And that sweet face? Well, it deserves all the treats! But dog obesity is a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as you realize your dog has gone from a little squishy to,...
Considering a dog for the first time

Considering a dog for the first time

Maybe the kids have been begging for years. Or maybe one of the adults in the house never got to have a puppy when they were younger and have always dreamed of it. For whatever reason, you are considering a dog for the first time and have just about decided it’s time...
Planning a dog play date

Planning a dog play date

Just like humans, dogs do well having a social network of different friends.They are healthier and happier and live longer. (Here there are a bunch of studies linked in this article.) So planning a dog play date is not the nutty thing it might sound like at first to...
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