Common questions from new dog owners

Common questions from new dog owners

Getting a dog for the first time is a big deal, especially if you weren’t raised around animals or pets. Getting a puppy is exciting and yet it comes with so much responsibility. But if you’ve thoroughly thought through why you want a dog and it is the right fit, then...
Living with a blind dog

Living with a blind dog

We’ve already written here about living with a deaf dog, so now let’s look at living with a blind dog. There are many reasons you could end up living with a blind dog, from age related disease that slowly (or quickly) takes your dog’s vision to adopting a special...
Taking care of your dog’s paws

Taking care of your dog’s paws

Making sure your dog’s paws remain in a healthy state is crucial to their overall health. For a long and happy life, your dog needs to be active and active means walking and running and jumping on a daily basis. Your dog can only do so much for their own paws so that...
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