Do you call them doggie kisses? Do you think it’s a sweet behavior or is it something you’ve tried to stop them from doing? Depending on the size and type of dog, of course, a doggie kiss can be, well, pretty sloppy all the way to kinda gross. And most people probably think twice about what their dog was doing right before that “kiss.” Turns out, we’re not totally sure why they do this, and there are a number of reasons dogs lick you.

And no matter what you think of it, it can go to an extreme. There are signs that the doggie kiss is something other than a positive sign of affection and might be a reason to visit the vet.

Reasons dogs lick you


Yes, we’re not 100% sure why they do this, but your dog very likely licks you to show affection. As part of grooming and affection as a puppy from their mama, they learn this behavior early on and continue it throughout their lifespan. You’ll see them doing it with other dogs, as well as you. 

They definitely want to get to your face, but if they can’t, even an elbow will do ((ha)).

Some dogs do naturally lick less, but this doesn’t mean they’re any less affectionate.


Your dog might also just be bored and asking for some attention from you when they lick you. This might be their way to say, “HEY! Wake up! I’m here! Let’s play a game!” Remember that no matter how much you react to their licking, you’re still reacting and that’s what they’re going for – even if it’s a bit negative, as in you saying “no” or pushing them away.


This one might be a little gross. But often puppies lick around their mother’s mouths after they eat to encourage them to regurgitate their food and “give” it to the puppy. So if you just ate and your dog starts licking around your mouth, they might be asking for some of your pizza.


Yep, they might be tasting you. Dogs like to know what the beings around them taste like and you’re no exception. And if you taste good (extra salty, for example), they might keep coming back for more.


One theory around many possible reasons dogs lick you is that they would naturally lick an animal in a pack that was their dominant to show their submission. So they might be letting you know that you are definitely the boss.

Reasons to be concerned


If your dog is licking you, themselves, or objects obsessively and compulsively, this could be a sign that something is wrong. It could be that they are excessively anxious or bored, for one. And boredom is no joke. A dog needs mental stimulation for a good life.

(You can read what we’ve shared about brain games for your dog if you’re needing some inspiration.)

Other reasons

You dog’s licking could also be a sign that they are in pain or are suffering from allergies.

So any compulsive level licking that you can’t seem to get them to stop, probably means a vet visit to make sure they’re okay.

What to do if you want them to stop

If you know your dog’s licking is not from an underlying issues and it still bothers you, you can try to train it out of them – or at least work to decrease it.

As we said above, any reaction – even a negative one like pushing them away – is a reaction, and often that’s what they’re going for.

Think of non-reactions. If they’re licking and you want them to stop, don’t say anything and don’t touch them in any way. Simply turn away from them or get up and walk away any time they do this.

If that doesn’t work, here are some other things you can try.

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