Helpful tech for your dog

Obviously your dog won’t be using this tech ((ha)) but helpful tech for your dog will certainly be helpful to you. We’ve already written about some apps that can be helpful and fun for life with your dog. Check those out. Our lives are busy, to say the...
Your Dogs’ Pearly Whites

Your Dogs’ Pearly Whites

Your dog might not be vain about their teeth like humans are, but the health of their teeth is important in the same ways. Also? When they come in for those doggie hugs and kisses, nice breath is a big plus. So we’re here with the how and the why of caring for...

Tips for grooming at home

We’ve written recently about the expenses of owning a dog and possible ways to decrease those expenses. With tips for grooming at home, we’re sharing one of the best ways to save some dog dollars. Even if you groomed at home most of the time and just went...

Taking great dog photos

If you don’t have hundreds of dog photos on your phone, do you really have a dog? ((ha)) Taking great dog photos might seem easy but how many of those are disposable? (And how many of us leave them on our phones anyway!?) This post isn’t about cleaning up...
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