Field Training Programs
To meet each of our client’s needs, we customize our training programs. We offer complete programs, taking your dog from the beginning of obedience to the more complex blocks of a finished dog. For the at-home trainer we have month to month programs to get through the difficult blocks of Hold or Force Fetch. For the local hunter we offer in-depth private lessons providing comprehensive direction in the complicated world of dog training…
Our field training program is designed to develop family companions who are excellent hunters of Antler sheds, Waterfowl, or upland birds ,by building skills from the ground up. Starting with carefully selected puppies with outstanding genetics, our unique “learn to learn” puppy program shapes their innate desire to retrieve and gently introduces them to gunfire, setting a solid foundation for advanced training.
As the puppies grow, we focus on instilling essential hunting foundations such as commands like ‘here,’ ‘heel,’ and ‘sit,’ as well as ” hold,” ” fetch,” and reliable “delivery to hand. “
Each stage of our training is tailored to harness the natural instincts of the dogs while ensuring they develop the discipline and skills necessary to excel in the field.

Shed Dog:
Your Shed Dog will have the following skill sets :
*Exposed to antlers at a young age
*Trained with scented antler Dokken and actual shed antlers
*Exposed to shed areas and taken shed hunting prior to going home
*Formal obedience of here, heel, sit
*Fun retrieves on land and water
*Crate trained and started on house training
*Exposed to high-stress environments
*Comfortable in Family settings
*Exposed to travel and new terrain
Despite being a popular spring pastime, hunting sheds can be difficult. Dropped antlers can be hard to spot in thick cover and nearly impossible to see if covered by debris. Having a trained shed dog to assist in your search can be a rewarding experience and help you rack up a pile of antlers.
* Approximately 8 months of age
Started Gun Dog
Your Started Gun Dog will have the following skill sets
* Exposed to birds and gunfire
* Formal obedience of here, heel, and sit
* Formal hold
* A sound understanding of running long concept marks
* Formal delivery to hand, on land and water
* A strong desire for water retrieves
* Comfortable in family settings
* Exposed to travel and hunting situations
* Comfortable around high-stress environments
* Quietly honors other dogs’ work
After completing these blocks, we take it one step further by taking your started gun dog into the field. This training phase allows us to transition the dogs from training to hunting and gives your partner the extra experience they need before you take them home.
* Approximately 10 to 12 Months of age

Seasoned Gun Dog
Your Seasoned Gun Dog will have the following skills :
*Formal obedience of here, heel and sit
* Formal hold
* Formal delivery to hand, on land and water
* A sound understanding of running long concept marks
* A strong desire for water retrieves
* Comfortable in family settings
* Exposed to travel and hunting situations * Comfortable around high stress environments
* Quietly honors other dogs work
* Have actual hunting and guiding experience
This is the partner that you can take directly to the field. Our Seasoned Gun Dogs have already been hunted over several times. They are comfortable chasing down roosters or sitting quietly in the canoe on a river hunt.
*Approximately 13 months of age
Finished Gun Dog
Your Finished Gun dog will have the following skills :
* Formal obedience and off leash obedience.
* Formal delivery to hand, on land and water
* A sound understanding of running long single marks
* Confidently handling doubles and triples
* Handling on blinds
* Working in marshes and raised blinds
* Working in and out of lay out blinds
* Quietly honors other dogs work
* Actual hunting and guiding experience
* Exposed to travel and hunting situations
* Comfortable around high stress environments
* Comfortable in family settings
Whether you are an avid water fowler or an upland hunting enthusiast, we can offer you and your partner a customized, advanced training program.
* Approximately 2 years of Age

Pre-Season Tune Up
During a pre-season tune up we will review the following:
* Obedience
* Honoring
* Marks
* Formal Delivery to Hand on land and water
* Gunfire
*Boat exposure
* Being quiet and well mannered in the blind
* Birds
During a long summer off, your hunting partner has enjoyed playing with the kids, chasing tennis balls and lying in the sun.
While you are cleaning your gun and checking your decoys, send your retriever to have a refresher course as well