Obviously your dog won’t be using this tech ((ha)) but helpful tech for your dog will certainly be helpful to you. We’ve already written about some apps that can be helpful and fun for life with your dog. Check those out.

Our lives are busy, to say the least. There are a million details floating around from our jobs to our homes and families to our hobbies. We are equipped with calendars (online and paper; individual and shared) and to do lists (again, online and paper) and project management tools and alarms and reminders. It can be overwhelming. Then we add a dog or dogs into our lives and it’s another being to keep track of and tack care of and manage details for.

We’re here to help.

Pet Trackers: the most helpful tech for your dog

One of the greatest stressors for any dog owner is the idea of your dog getting lose somehow. Whether it’s running out the front door when you open it for company or somehow getting off leash when you’re in the park. This is every dog owners nightmare. But pet trackers have come a long way.

There are pet trackers that do just that and then there are leveled up pet trackers that can do so much more. For example, you can set a “home zone” on some and you’ll get an alert if your dog wanders out of that area. You can check out reviews of them for 2024 here.

Food and Water

Auto feeders and water purifiers have been around for a long time, but they’ve only gotten better… and quieter. And feeders have grown their capacity and can be programmed more precisely than ever. Go here for examples.

Nanny Cams

Developed for human children, of course, nanny cams are great for dog owners. You can be at work or out to dinner and check in with your dog. And now you can even talk to them. You know, in case you check in and they’re ripping the pillows to shreds. You can discipline from the ether. Check out the top rated cameras here.

Smart Dog Toys

Yep. So busy on that zoom call that you can’t throw a tennis ball for your furry friend? No worries. Now you can get a tech gadget that will take care of that for you. Or another great example: you can check out the Go Bone here. A smart, app enabled toy to keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated when you just can’t. (As always, we are not getting anything for pointing you toward products. We’re just interested like you are.)

Smart dog crates

Even crates are no longer just … crates. You can get crates with cameras in them and motion sensor fans and special mattress pads and you can even get crates now that help with separation anxiety. Go here for info.

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